
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

7 Feb 2006 - 中長線投資組合沽出中國建築(3311)及部分中軟國際(8216)



玖龍紙業招股,值得留意,有潛質成為基金搶購對象。此股規模比理文造紙 (2314)大,有可能搶走理文之基金客,亦有可能起着相輔相承作用,需要看事態發展。玖龍生產量全國第一,於珠三角及長三角的市佔率為34%及21%;理文造紙 (2314)居次,分別佔16%及16%。玖龍紙業2005年度純利為3億,預期2006年度達10億;理文造紙 (2314)2005年度純利為4億,預期2006年度達8億。

(Contact: micjacq@gmail.com)


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I've just bought in 359 hai sheng juice at recent time, what do you think about this? would that be any prospect of this stock?

  2. 359 has just been listed for several months and there has been no result announcement yet after IPO. According to its past record, 359 is good. However, during its IPO, its competitor 8259 released a forecast of profit reduction due to increasing cost. In this case, the market is uncertain the prospect of both 359 and 8259. Actually, this uncertainty has not been cleared yet. Therefore, there is insufficient information for me to analyze 359.

    However, stock price of 359 has risen since late Jan. It may be due to shifting of market funds to Just-IPO stock. Actully, most of Just-IPO stock has good performances in stock price in the past 2 months.

    If you invest in 359, you should pay attention to news of both 359 and 8259 and overall performance of Just-IPO stock (to see when the funds will be retreated!)
