投資組合自2005年12月14日成立日計至今回報:96%筆者第一本著作「紅猴股評 - 一個散户的思考藝術」於香港書展推出後,現已在香港各大書局推售,每本訂價HK$68,筆者所收到的所有版稅將捐作慈善用途!有關書籍簡介及作者背景,請按此。(最新消息:和出版商了解後,得知「紅猴股評 - 一個散户的思考藝術」賣得不錯,銷量比筆者估計還高(因未得出版商首肯,不便透露數字),在此向所有讀者說聲多謝!)相信大家都聽過Credit Default Swaps (CDS),亦知CDS是令AIG差點結業的主因,看完Fortune對CDS的有關報導,才清楚CDS的整個運作是那樣爛,而這個爛攤子仍會對金融市場及企業作出衝擊!以下節錄自Fortune的報導
Two fundamental aspects of the CDS market - that it is unregulated and that almost nothing is disclosed publicly - may be about to change. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is implementing a new rule in November that will require sellers of CDS and other credit derivatives to report detailed information, including their maximum payouts and reasons for entering the contracts, as well as assets that might allow them to offset any payouts.
A CDS is just a contract: The buyer plunks down something that resembles a premium, and the seller agrees to make a specific payment if a particular event, such as a bond default, occurs. Normally, CDS serve a very useful function of allowing finanical markets to efficiently transfer credit risk.
Because they're contracts rather than securities or insurance, CDS are easy to create. Often deals are done in a one-minute phone conversation or an instant message.
The volume of CDS has exploded with nuclear force, nearly doubling every year since 2001 to reach a recent peak of US$62 trillion at the end of 2007, before receding to US$54.6 trillion as of June 30, accoding to ISDA.
Many players in the market hold offsetting positions. So if, in theory, every entity that owns CDS had to settle its contracts tomorrow and netted all its positions against each other, a much smaller amount of money would change hands. But even a tiny fraction of that US$54.6 trillion would still be a daunting sum.
One reason the market took off is that you don't have to own a bond to buy a CDS on it - anyone can place a bet on whether a bond will fail. Indeed the majority of CDS now consists of bets on other people's debt. the US$54.6 trillion in CDS contrats completely dwarfs total corporate debt at US$6.2 trillion and the US$10 trillion it counts in all forms of asset-backed debt.
There is "counterparty risk". In many cases, you don't even know who has the other sides of your bet. Parties to the contract can transfer their side of the contracts to third parties. The danger is that if the counterparty suddenly has to pay off on a lot of CDS, it will simply go out of business.
(Contact: redmonkey@redmonkey.hk)