事實上,全球主要股市於2008年10月急跌後仍逃不出主要徘徊於長方形內的上下波幅格局,好像Dow Jones及日經指數都於8,000點形成強力底部,英國富時及香港恒指則分別於4,000及12,500有強勁支持!
(Contact: redmonkey@redmonkey.hk)
Happy Chinese new year.
The calculation is ok but when the P.E. is clear to the market, the market will move miles away already.
Given that
1. 2628 has already announced 50% drop in the profit last year, (2628 has outperformed compared to previous years because of the earth quake in May)
2. 0005 has two third of its business affected by the financial crisis,
3. 941 will need to pour money in 3G development,
4. 019, 293 made a big lost from oil.
5. 388 trade volume decrease over 50% this year. 2008 trade volume is not too bad in the first half year.
6. 2318 Fortis writedown.
7. 688 Chinese properties? Forget about it, it won't recover till 2011 at least.
8. 267 ? AUS dollar still falling.
9. 330, 494, 551? export to U.S and Europe?
10.1199 BDI has dropped 95%.
11. 0013, still haunts by europe's 3G cost.
12. All properties developers, like 001, 003, 66, 16, 17? Ask yourself a question -- do you feel HK or china's properties have surged much last year?
13. All banks from China. given the down turn of economy in China, a lot of dirt will float up.
14. Commodities 2600, 883, 857? How much commodities has dropped since July?
After reminding all the bad news in HSI 42 components stocks, how much confidence you have? Still thinking about only 40% drop in eps?
Happy New Year!!!
Understand that PE alway fluctuates due to change of forecast. Therefore, we have to keep track what is happening actually and what the market is expecting. Frankly speaking, it is not easy!
By the way, thanks very much for your evaluation. In this market, everything can happen so that I prefer not being aggressive. The risk is only earning less money if the market surge really happens. However, I don't think earning less money should be considered "a risk" (although many investors still think that they must earn every dollar from the stock market)!
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