
信義玻璃(868)配新股9,000萬股集資5.22億元,佔已發行股本5%,攤薄不多。集資所得將主要用於光伏薄膜導電(TCO)玻璃的擴產以及相關的配套投資,配合公司近期擴充策略。公司年初預期,全年的資本開支為7 億元,若計入新引進的項目,今年資本開支會增多5億元。

(Contact: redmonkey@redmonkey.hk)
1 comment:
Hi, Redmonkey,
I appreciate your willingness to admit faults and endeavour to improve! That's the way to success. Keep it up!
To some of my friends, I am a bit too confident. My predictions, as you can see, are quite bold, But not many investors really have self-confident. I would say most of them are gamblers instead of real investors.
I believe a real investor must acquire adequate knowledge of both basic and technical analyses. In the past few years, I concentrated on the former. Now I start to enhance my knowledge of basic analysis.
Last year I told my wife I would become Mr Tso II, but now I regret having said that. I want to be Buffet II.
Am I too ambitious?
28/ 5/ 2009
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