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今天事忙,抽一篇在2010年8月17日刋登於PC Market雜誌的筆者文章「上海蘇杭遊兼「視察業務」」給大家分享!


(Contact: redmonkey@redmonkey.hk)
any views on 1388 & 2238? seems quite interesting
what do you think of 1683 interim?
how far it can go?
The performance of 1388 is indeed good and the stock price is still a bit undervalued. But, change of CFO several times in years make me not invest in this stock.
Just got the expected EPS of 2238 and it seems that the current price is fair compared with other stocks with same level like 489.
The turnaround point for 1683 should be the recent acquisition to achieve vertical integration. Also, the shares may be cornered before that.
I do not have any opinion on this stock at this price level.
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