參觀了「一號銀海」及「One New York」
這兩天假期主要做了兩件事,完成了行將出版的新書的初版核對及參加了經濟日報主辦的「西九龍地產工作坊」,參觀了「一號銀海」及「One New York」的頂層特色單位及豪華會所,大開眼界!這個免費的工作坊辦得算是成功,亦很有誠意,信和及中原地產的高層也參與其中,物超所值,那些要參與者付費的工作坊(如去年筆者參與的「六福之旅」)應多加學習。
這兩個信和樓盤的呎價都明顯高於同區樓盤,充分運用了Marketing的其中兩大要點:Differentiation及Market Segmentation,建立同區缺乏的「藍海」,針對特定的目標買家。其實,香港的地產發展商為了推高售價,簡直將Marketing的學說運用得淋漓盡致!樓盤買家最喜歡以同區相類單位售價作參考,現時資訊發達,透明度本應很高。但地產發展商每每為不同新樓盤建立不同特點及賣點,使本來很close的information gap拉闊,目標買家無從參考,但因樓盤正切合其需要,如度身訂造,加上售樓場地的緊張氣氛,只好乖乖付出溢價!
筆者未來除了股市外,亦會談談樓市,現先將參觀了「一號銀海」及「One New York」拍下的照片,精選一些給大家分享!
「One New York」頂層特色單位
「One New York」會所
(Contact: redmonkey@redmonkey.hk)
「一號銀海」豪華會所的泳池好正喎!!! .... missed the chance to join the tour tim~ (usually ppl need to present 0.5M cheque to be entitled to visit the apartment)..haha..
HK is already a M shape society. The poor has no way to afford private housing and of course the developers have to meet the taste of the riches. The return of the luxery house (from rental point of view) is probably very low at 1-2%. My thinking is that the riches will always prefer to buy a new house instead of from second hand market. The new houses also always has more "uniqueness" than the old ones as devlopers tried to outdo one another. I dont see much appreciation on these luxery homes in the future.
btw, have you read Blue Ocean Strategy? highly recommended.
Totally agree with your comments. I have also read "Blue Ocean Strategy". It is inspirational, but it is not a new theory. Actually, "Blue Ocean Strategy" structure the ways to differentiation.
The property developers are building apartments or houses for minority. They are focused target customers and focused marketing strategy.
You have mentioned "uniqueness". Yes, one of "uniqueness" should be "status", which is a virtual asset and hard to estimate its value!
Yes, "status" is the word! the riches dont have to worry about ROI as they have all the money they want. It's the same as buying a BMW and Armani shirt.
your blog is very comfortable
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